Saturday, August 18, 2007

Salt Water Fish For Beginners

I used to have a salt water tank a couple of years back but it is to hard to maintain so I just gave up. There are some fish you should stay away from as a beginner. First of all don't by anything expensive as your first fish , secondly don't buy any fish which are extremely aggressive towards other fish and the ocean does hold a lot of these like: Els,Stonefishe,Angelfish, Sharks etc. A good fish for starters would be a Yellow tailed Damsels. The Damsels are aggressive in a way but they are the best fish to start with. They will out stand harsh conditions and they are cheap. The will handle other aggressive fish but if you want to move on you should consider replacing them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing that tips. Hope to see more informative stuff here on your blog.


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