Sunday, July 22, 2007

Trick the Roach first before he tricks you.

The Roach was second fish i caught and it definitely grabbed my attention.
The Roaches have tricky behavior - they are gaming fish and like to play with bait.
Everytime they played with bait i thought it was just wind
and waves.
But later when float stopped trembling i pulled it out of water and discovered that my bait wasn't on hook anymore.

It didn't take me long to realize that the bait was actually stolen.
The Roach pushes and teases your bait so it can no longer be attached tightly to your hook and when you pull it out of water the bait slides away from it.

So if you catch Roach for the first time,it is important to:
  1. Retain calmness.
  2. Wait for right timing to pull (approximately 3-4 seconds).
  3. Do not apply force.Pull not too fast.
The Roach's favorite snack is dough and pastry.
But when they are hungry they will eat worms also.

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